Begin Your Career in JAVA (Part-1)
If programming makes you smile on your face then go ahead, your bright future is waiting for you.
Java is the most popular programming language. We can build Web Application, Mobile Application, Desktop Application, and some of the cases for machine coding also. If we talk about a career in Java then I would like to say that you always get a good offer in the market.
This article is not just for reading but follows along. In Part 1, we will discuss common things. Let’s get started:
Understand The Concept: In programming, everything is dependent upon the situation so we cannot do the copy-paste of the code easily before knowing the condition. So we have to focus on the concept because if we know the concept then we can write the code in any programming language (It just a syntax difference).
Don’t make the habit of copy-paste.
Learn From Error/Exception: Error/Exception is the part of your programming life so don’t be disappoint look at the exception string carefully and google it.
You have to get answers to two questions:
- Why the error is happening?
- What is the solution?
If you get an error/exception it means you have the chance to learn new things.
Self Dependent: You don’t need to depend on the others, keep it try that first give your best effort to solve the problem then take help from others. If you take help then look up that what is the process to solve the problem.
Always try to improve your skills and keep the curiosity for programming.
Aware of New Features: Many times, we heard that the new version is coming. So the version has many new features and many things deprecated from the old one. So you have to know about the feature of the current version and upcoming version. It means that you always be updated.
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