Things to keep in mind when take input from user.
Hello everyone, As we know that the user is always valuable for a big organisation or a shopkeeper. We always be greet like this. Yes it’s funny but it’s true.
So when the time to come for take input from user. We use the same approach like a bank. (Example) When user go to the bank for open an account then the bank representative gives a form to the user for take inputs then the things comes that if user does some mistake then representative first tell the mistake to user and also say the correct way to do.
Now we should use this approach and follow these points for correct information and prevent the spam in our database:
- Take maximum input from drop-down and selection type. (i.e. Gender we can ask by radio button or County as Drop Down)
- If we ask input as text then the validation should be required, min. length ,max length and some character limit (if required).
- Submit button validation: First check all field validated then disable it (for double click prevention) and then show progress bar (for processing) Send data to server then show the actual message.
Final conclusion is that first we tell the mistake to user then also tell that how to correct this.
I hope you’ve found them useful.
Thank you for reading!