When a Lady Asked Me About Blockchain?

She is working in a different domain and was very keen to learn about Blockchain.

Arnish Gupta
3 min readDec 26, 2020

A few days ago, I met a girl in the office. She knew that I had been working on the blockchain for a long time. When I started going towards my workspace, she stopped me and said that I have some questions about blockchain, so can you help me with this? My answer was absolutely, you can ask comfortably. She asked me three questions, I share with you.

Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash
  1. What is Blockchain? Explain with an example.
  2. Can I make my career in Blockchain When I don’t know Programming?
  3. What is the future of Blockchain?

When asked, she had a light smile on her face, indicating her eagerness. I will share with you what I have answered.

What is Blockchain?


  • Blockchain is the solution to common problems where trust is centralized. It is a peer to peer network where all the peers can verify the ledger.
  • Example: Suppose Adan and Isla wants to marry each other. So they invited all their relatives to attend the marriage and blessing. This means that all the relatives who attend the wedding are witnesses of this marriage. Same concept work on blockchain. When the transaction happens, all the nodes are verifying the transaction and contains the copy of the transaction that is called a ledger.

And I told her that if you want to know in more detail then you can read my article which is given below.

Can I make my career in Blockchain When I don’t know Programming?


  • No Sorry, If you want to look at your career in Blockchain then you have to learn Programming. But you can’t there be language-specific because there is various programming language use in the different blockchain. i.e. (Bitcoin code is written in C++, Ethereum Smart Contract use Solidity)

So I gave her some tips which are:

  • First, try to find your niche because there are many blockchains are available and you can’t be an expert on all. The most popular blockchains are Bitcoin and Ethereum so you can choose one of them.

To know more about bitcoin you can read the below article:

What is the future of Blockchain?


  • You can also think about the future from how much fraud cases have increased these days. This is happening only because it is centralized. If it moves to decentralization then rules don’t allow to modification of the data easily.
  • UAE Country moves its 50 percent work on the blockchain in next year (2021) and the name given this Emirates Blockchain Strategy 2021.
  • Switzerland Govt supports the blockchain concept. There is an area for specific blockchain crypto called ‘Crypto Valley’ and many countries have given statements about their support.

The most popular work going on in the area at the moment are:

  • Land Registry.
  • Health Record.
  • Employee History.
  • Agriculture Department.
  • KYC.

She was listening to all this very carefully and she had many more questions in mind but we had a limited time.

She thanked me for sharing the knowledge and giving for time. While leaving, she said that such questions come into the minds of people like me who want to learn blockchain. So if you can help those people then it would be good.

Now the time has come to say goodbye. Keep in touch with me.

Thank you for reading. Live a happy and healthy life.



Arnish Gupta

Learn Blockchain with me every Monday at 9AM (GMT+5:30).